What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? Just staying on it I guess, long as she can.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Guilty Pleasure.

I have something to tell which I am not ashamed to admit - I love the Harry Potter series. A lot.

J K Rowling gave an interview to Oprah in the United States recently, during which she said something very exciting. Oprah questioned Jo about whether she would write any more books about the wizarding world, to which she replied, "I'm not going to say I won't." A slim glimmer of hope, but an exciting one! In honour of this interesting news, I have posted these wonderful seven redesigned Harry Potter book covers by illustrator M S Corley (http://mscorley.blogspot.com/). The designs weren't ever published, to my knowledge, but I really like them anyway.

Here is a YouTube video of the first part of the Oprah interview. I'm not a big fan of the 'drama' of Oprah interviews, but it is fairly interesting nonetheless:

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