What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof? Just staying on it I guess, long as she can.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Use of space.

Heike Weber is a German artist who caught my attention for her interiors created by drawing with marker pen on vinyl-covered walls. The transformation of the rooms is striking, and the different patterns create vastly different atmospheres. My favourite is the third image, Dorotheum 300, for the awkward juxtaposition of the random non-linear red lines encroaching upon the luxe of the museum's red carpets.

Utopia, 2008

Utopia, 2007

Dorotheum 300, 2007

Whirlpool, 1998

Room 104, 2000

Salonstucke 6

Utopia, 2009

Another interesting use of space can be seen in this innovatively designed mobile unit, the 'blob VB3' created by the Belgian architectural firm dmvA. I love the use of space and the interchangeable nature of the shelves - sleeping space / bookshelf / food stores. I don't know how you would be able to live without chairs or in such a confined space with more than one other person, but I most definitely prefer this to the traditional British caravan.

My third interesting use of space is the cardboard art installation by Chilean artist Luise Valdes. 'Casa de karton' has been entirely created from collected cardboard boxes of various sorts, painstakingly made into a life-size recreation of the artist's own apartment. Valdes then whitewashed all of the boxes to create the sense of uniformity, and created detail by use of marker pens. It seems to embody the fragile nature of personal space - lovingly created yet vulnerable to the inevitable meaningless of material possessions.

Another eye-catching work - street installation of a cardboard car crash. 

1 comment:

JJ said...

Thank you for the introduction. I don't know this artist, but I certainly will follow her now. These are fantastic!